Welcome to Swanson Companies
Joseph Swanson is living a dream. His late father, Clifford Swanson, dreamed of having a family owned business that could be successful while helping promote Christian principles and family values.
The elder Swanson brought the dream to fruition in 1935. With his faith, resolve, hard work and the support of his family, the founding father started a company that sold printed Christian materials and gift items out of a small room above a grocery store in his home state of Pennsylvania.
Slowly, the fledgling company began to make a name for itself, and one success led to another success and then to another. In 1951, the elder Swanson moved his family and the business to St. Petersburg, Florida…

Rutherford County, Tennessee is currently one of the hottest places to do business and one of the fastest growing counties in the United States. Located in the center of the southeastern U.S., Rutherford County is only a short drive from 75% of the country’s major markets.
Help you build your future
Our mission at the Swanson Companies is to help you build your future and turn your dreams into reality through professional service and personal relationships that have helped our company grow through its 85+ year history while daily applying the Biblical principal:
In all that you do bring glory to God.
1 Peter 4:11